A project to design a living environment for the elderly (over 70) in the year 2020. An over 60s hall at a university would provide learning, socialising, independence, the possibilities of inter-generational contact and care missing in current care scenarios. A diary of 'Bill's' stay there allowed us to present the idea in a way that showed its benefits without resorting to preaching or the idea that 'designers know better'.

Students would not be need any previous university experience and would share three-room flats for the duration of their 16 week courses. All other university amenities would be available to them as well as the chance to teach, tutor or mentor undergraduates if their skills were suitable.

Students would also be assigned carers/helpers the majority of whom would be undergraduate students working towards their tuition fees. This encourages inter-generational contact in a way that is neither forced nor condescending.

Students would sign up for self-financed 16 week residential courses. These would run year round with a constant rotation of students.